Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nautilus, abstract

Well, I'm finding out how this blog service works. I'm having trouble with the formatting, when I started today's blog with the "No" part of this entry, all that showed up to the right of the photo was the word "no" all the rest went to the section below the photo ... tried to make the photo smaller, but that didn't work, so am just going with it. I have no patience for working stuff like this out, would rather be playing with photos, not with blogs!

No photography yet today, but in Photoshop I played around with a photo of the nautilus I did a few days ago. I find I like working within a square format (but have discovered this blog format doesn't like the square format). Of course, the nautilus is still a favorite subject!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

01.07 Easter Bonnet

An assignment in an on-line photo group (Clothing) resulted in this photo. It is one of the 40+ hats I have that belongs to my 92-yr-old aunt, she used to work in the financial district in LA and they had to dress up. Other hats are more tailored, so I'm hoping this was her Easter Bonnet, rather than a work hat ;-)

01.06 Day Lily

I was first attracted to the spots on the leaves of this day lily, but then after looking through my macro lens, I noticed the colors in the pistil.

01.05 Nautilus with reflection

I've always thought the nautilus a very beautiful shell. I was surprised to learn that the word comes from the Greek, ναυτίλος, it means sailor -- maybe that's why the attraction.
Combine that with reflections, and I was pretty happy with this one. What do you think?
For more info on the nautilus, check out this link:

01.03 Macro Rose

This rose was picked on 01.01.08 -- first rose of 2008? Not! Actually it's the last rose of 2007, bravely hanging in through our nasty Sacramento weather.

01.01 Garlic

Off to a good start on my almost-a-day photo blog. This garlic was intended for the spaghetti sauce I was making, but couldn't resist taking a few photos of this almost-perfect garlic head (another bit of garlic went into the sauce).

Friday, January 4, 2008

01.04 Rose

Hard to believe, but I picked this rose on the last day of December. Shows what a hardy bunch those roses are! I'm still playing around with the reflection theme.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

01.02 More garlic

Had to try out this reflection shot of the garlic.